
Šalies kodas: Jungtinė Karalystė (+44)


29 year old Female London Escort, United Kingdom Meet Anya, a captivating beauty hailing from the enchanting landscapes of Russia. With her striking features and poised elegance, Anya is the epitome of sophistication and grace. Fluent in multiple languages and well-versed in the art of conversation, she effortlessly blends charm and intellect, ensuring every encounter is memorable. Appearance: Anya boasts an alluring figure, with delicate curves that complement her statuesque silhouette. Her piercing blue eyes are windows to a world of mystery, while her luscious blonde hair cascades down her back like a waterfall of gold. Always impeccably dressed, Anya has a penchant for high fashion and carries herself with the poise of a true aristocrat. Personality: Anya is not just a pretty face; she is a woman of substance. Her warm, inviting personality makes her the perfect companion for any occasion. Whether you’re attending a high-profile event or seeking a relaxing evening in, Anya’s wit, humor, and genuine interest in others make her an ideal partner. Her nurturing nature and keen sense of empathy ensure that you’ll always feel understood and valued in her presence. Interests: Anya’s interests are as diverse as her background. She enjoys the finer things in life—art, gourmet cuisine, and traveling to exotic destinations. Yet, she also has a love for the simple pleasures, like reading a good book, exploring nature, or indulging in a glass of fine wine. Anya’s adventurous spirit means she’s always eager to try new experiences and share them with those she meets.


27 Metai
155 cm
55 kg
Krūtinės apimtis
Kūno tipas
Plaukų spalva
Vidutinio rudo


Oralinis seksas



Paslauga skirtas




Keisti bruožai



Sekso skelbimas iš eskorto SARAHBESUCHBARHAUSHOTELBESUCH – Išskirtiniai erotiniai nuotykiai

AMAL7 yra aistringas eskortas, taip pat diskretiška prostitute ir slut.

Siūlomų paslaugų sąrašas apima Oralinis apipjaustymas, Oralinis apipjaustymas be prezervatyvo, Lytinis aktas, Analinis seksas, Pozicija 69, Merginos lytinis santykis, Įpylimas į burną, Įpylimas ant kūno, Įpylimas į veidą, Spermos nuryjimas, Paslaugos poroms, Bučiavimas, Kalbinis bučinys, Pėdų fetišas, Vibracija, Striptizas, Erotinis masažas, Bizari doma, Urinacijos žaidimai, Bondage – puikiai tinka jausmingam artumui ir švelnumui, primenančiam tikrą romantiką. AMAL7 moka kiekvieną momentą paversti ypatinga patirtimi ir individualiai prisitaikyti prie svečių poreikių.

Susidomėję gali tiesiogiai susisiekti per +447496785858. Ši galimybė neturėtų būti praleista, nes disponavimas yra laikinai ribotas.